Mudahnya mereka mempersenda Rasulullah SAW
Pendustaan demi pendustaan telah meledak. Usaha mengaibkan Rasulullah SAW dan Islam adalah merupakan kemuncak kepada segala-galanya. Mereka tentunya akan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam apa sahaja bentuk sehingga berjaya menipu umat manusia seluruhnya sebelum munculnya Dajjal Laknatullah.
Setelah gagal mencetus kekacauan besar melalui beberapa siri keganasan di Aghanistan, Pakistan dan Negara2 Arab, kini mereka mencipta satu lagi punca yang mungkin akan terus mempersibukkan penganut Islam dan mencipa gelombang baru yang bakal mereka angkat sebagai "Pengganas Pengikut Muhammad". Dalam keganasan ciptaan bentuk baru ini, setiap jari akan dipastikan menuding ke arah Islam. Melabelkan Islam sebagai agama lapuk dan ganas. Muhammad SAW akan dipawagamkan sebagai "Penipu" dan Islam adalah agama "Palsu".
Sekali lagi Islam akan dijadikan mangsa dan Yahudi berharap seluruh Umat Islam akan bangun secara menyeluruh menentang USA (Yahudi membaling batu sembunyi tangan). Akan mudah bagi USA si penjahat itu dipergunakan untuk menekan mana2 negara yang mengancam warganya, tentulah negara Islam. Atas alasan ini, USA akan dipergunakan untuk melaksanakan harapan Yahudi menindas seluruh negara Islam.
Adakah ada rancangan sulit Yahudi untuk mencipta RIOT secara massa di Indonesia antara penganut Islam dan Kristian? Indonesia yang kini sedang hadapi perpecahan hasil serangan dalaman oleh Islam Liberal pastinya memberi kelebihan kepada puak kristian. Selanjutnya adakah mereka juga akan mencetuskan huru hara baru antara Cina (kristian) dan Melayu (Islam) di Malaysia pula?
Adakah ada rancangan sulit Yahudi untuk mencipta RIOT secara massa di Indonesia antara penganut Islam dan Kristian? Indonesia yang kini sedang hadapi perpecahan hasil serangan dalaman oleh Islam Liberal pastinya memberi kelebihan kepada puak kristian. Selanjutnya adakah mereka juga akan mencetuskan huru hara baru antara Cina (kristian) dan Melayu (Islam) di Malaysia pula?
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bantahan yang direkodkan |
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Mesir |
The filmmaker who produced an incendiary, anti-Muslim movie that stirred extremists Tuesday to storm the U.S. embassy in Egypt and may be linked to the fatal attack on the U.S. ambassador in Libya may have gone into hiding, as doubts rose as to his true identity.
Following yesterday's riots, a California man calling himself Sam Bacile took credit for making the film "Innocence of the Muslims" and identified himself as an Israeli Jew in two news interviews. In an interview with the Associated Press, he called Islam "a cancer."
But a search of public records and inconsistencies in Bacile's own accounts, as well as information from a radical Christian who helped produced the movie all suggest that "Sam Bacile" is a pseudonym and is not Israeli but an Arab Christian.
USA akan menyembunyikan "syaitan" ini sepertimana yang biasa mereka lakukan.
Semakin hari semakin jahat permainan Yahudi untuk mengelirukan dunia. Dengan membawa siri berita yang menafikan penglibatan mereka, Yahudi dapat berlepas tangan dan USA tepaksa mempertahankan diri.
Segalanya telah dirancang sebagai langkah mengusik ketenangan yang wujud dalam Islam. Siapakah Bacile? Manusia jenis apakah dia? Dipercayai dia adalah antara beberapa "kambing hitam" baru diciptakan Yahudi melalui Jesuits. Dengan wang yang ada, Yahudi tak perlu berpeluh mengusahakan kejahatan ini. Bagi mereka yang penting ialah hasil yang lumayan dari usaha tersebut.
Amat dipercayai, Jesuits dan Mason adalah dalang disebalik semua kejadian ini. Melalui semangat kekristianan yang membuak membenci Islam yang mereka cipta, lahirlah manusia yang bernama Sam Bacile. Diperalatkan untuk mencipta sesuatu agenda baru iaitu menyerang peribadi Rasulullah SAW secara sembrono berterusan. Sesiapa sahaja yang giat mengkaji perkara sebegini, akan mudah mengagak dari mana sumber dan bahan yang diskripkan. Jika sesiapa belum pernah mencuba, silalah mencari di sebalik agenda JESUIT, terutama usaha mereka dalam menjahanamkan akidah Umat Islam di Indonesia.
Siapakah disebalik wajah Jesuits ini jika bukan Zionis????
Kata mereka:
Usah mudah terpedaya.
US embassies on high alert for more film protest attacks
AMERICAN embassies in Muslim countries around the world were today on high alert amid fears of more violent demonstrations against an anti-Islam film after Friday prayers.
There were clashes between Egyptian police and protesters in Cairo this morning with a crowd of about 500 repelled from the US embassy by officers firing tear gas.
The Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups in Egypt called for a nationwide protest and a “million man march” on Tahrir Square — the focal point of pro-democracy demonstrations that led to Hosni Mubarak being ousted from power last year. New president Mohammad Morsi today made an appeal for calm on state TV saying that it was up to Muslims as part of their Islamic duty to protect foreign diplomats who were guests in the country.
Riot police were brought in to contain angry crowds hurling stones and setting cars on fire and calling for the deaths of those behind the Innocence Of Muslims film deemed to have insulted the Prophet Mohammed. “Before the police, we were attacked by Obama,” shouted one demonstrator, blaming the US President and government for insulting the Prophet.
One banner held aloft by demonstrators read: “It is the duty of all Muslims and Christians to kill Morris Sadek and Sam Bacile and everyone who participated in the film.” Several demonstrators waved green and black flags with koran verses on them.
It came as Libyan officials announced they had arrested four men in connection with the storming of the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday in which US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other consular staff were killed.
Protesters yesterday stormed the US embassy in Yemen and today protests were taking place in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Kuwait with unrest spreading across South-East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Mr Obama has pledged to take all necessary measures to protect US citizens abroad and has urged foreign governments to guarantee their security.
A bulletin issued by the FBI warned “the risk of violence could increase as the film continues to gain attention”. Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abu Shaqur said: “The people, they don’t understand that such a case like this, the American government has nothing to do with it. Somebody made a film and they put it on YouTube. It was very offensive for sure but that doesn’t justify taking these wild actions against Americans.”
And like all brilliant, constantly evolving innovation, YouTube is susceptible to the darkest minds in the world, capable of spinning it for whatever purposes they see fit.'
In early July of this year, trailers for a no-budget, anti-Islam film made their way online. The first glimpses of Innocence of Muslims, directed by "Sam Bacile" and "Alan Roberts" (names now known to be pseudonyms), barely made a blip. But when clips were aired on Egyptian television on Sept. 8, 2012, fury immediately erupted. Innocence of Muslims goes right for the throat of Islamic beliefs, portraying the prophet Muhammad (a figure forbidden by Islamic traditions to be depicted visually) as a bloodthirsty killer, sexual deviant, and generally crass human being. As word of the vicious YouTube video spread, so did the anti-American sentiment. On Sept. 11, the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were attacked, resulting in the deaths of locals and U.S. citizens. The protests haven't settled — today, the U.S. consulate in Cennai, India resulting in over 25 injuries.
This isn't the first time a creative endeavor has sparked controversy in Islamic culture. In 2004, director Theo van Gogh directed a short film entitled Submission, an English translation of the word "Islam." The film depicted naked women covered in text from the Qur'an, kneeling and telling their stories of physical abuse. Four months after the film's release, Van Gogh was murdered while biking near his home in the Netherlands. In 2005, a Danish newspaper took heat after publishing editorial cartoons depicting Muhammad. Three years of constant death threats to the cartoonists eventually resulted in the incarceration of three men plotting an assassination.
Even the American mainstream has dared to push the button. Following the Danish cartoon controversy, Matt Stone and Trey Parker animated Muhammad into an episode of South Park. In the end, Comedy Central blurred out the cartoon prophet in order to avoid sparking any potential violence. Unhappy with Comedy Central's decision to censor their satire, Parker and Stone followed up their stripped down episode with one depicting George W. Bush and Jesus relieving themselves on the American flag.
We have freedom of speech in the United States, and, in turn, YouTube. Anyone can make a film with any message they please. While they may be in conflict with popular opinion, as a population, we should happy they can do so. The goal of Innocence of Muslims is overt: condemn Islam.
Petikan dari news yang dikuasai Yahudi..... Permainan apakah ini?
Sam Bacile, L.A. Producer Behind Innocence of Muslims, Pseudonym for Evangelical Zealots?
Sam Bacile, L.A. Producer Behind Innocence of Muslims, Pseudonym for Evangelical Zealots?
MATI... ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens,
Harga yang tepaksa dibayar.....
Semakin hari semakin jahat permainan Yahudi untuk mengelirukan dunia. Dengan membawa siri berita yang menafikan penglibatan mereka, Yahudi dapat berlepas tangan dan USA tepaksa mempertahankan diri.
Segalanya telah dirancang sebagai langkah mengusik ketenangan yang wujud dalam Islam. Siapakah Bacile? Manusia jenis apakah dia? Dipercayai dia adalah antara beberapa "kambing hitam" baru diciptakan Yahudi melalui Jesuits. Dengan wang yang ada, Yahudi tak perlu berpeluh mengusahakan kejahatan ini. Bagi mereka yang penting ialah hasil yang lumayan dari usaha tersebut.
Siapa Basile ini? Kenapa dia menghilangkan diri? Kenapa pelbagai penerbitan sering membangkitkan berita bahawa dia (Bacile) tidak dapat dikesan dan namanya juga bukan nama asal dirinya? Kenapa USA mencipta misteri ini dan siapakah yang cuba mereka selamatkan????
Dalam suatu temuduga yang dlaporkan, Bacile mengatakan dia seorang Yahudi dan sumbangan kewangan juga dari beberapa orang penting Yahudi. Yang mana satu betul??
Who is Sam Bacile?
Bacile said he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islam’s flaws to the world.
“Islam is a cancer, period,” he said repeatedly, his solemn voice thickly accented.
The two-hour movie, “Innocence of Muslims,” cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors, said Bacile, who wrote and directed it.
The film claims Muhammad was a fraud. The14-minute trailer of the movie that reportedly set off the protests, posted on the website YouTube in an original English version and another dubbed into Egyptian Arabic, shows an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults disguised as revelations about Muhammad, whose obedient followers are presented as a cadre of goons
Amat dipercayai, Jesuits dan Mason adalah dalang disebalik semua kejadian ini. Melalui semangat kekristianan yang membuak membenci Islam yang mereka cipta, lahirlah manusia yang bernama Sam Bacile. Diperalatkan untuk mencipta sesuatu agenda baru iaitu menyerang peribadi Rasulullah SAW secara sembrono berterusan. Sesiapa sahaja yang giat mengkaji perkara sebegini, akan mudah mengagak dari mana sumber dan bahan yang diskripkan. Jika sesiapa belum pernah mencuba, silalah mencari di sebalik agenda JESUIT, terutama usaha mereka dalam menjahanamkan akidah Umat Islam di Indonesia.
Siapakah disebalik wajah Jesuits ini jika bukan Zionis????
Kata mereka:
... that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym. He said he did not know "Bacile's" real name.
... He said that there are about 15 people associated with the making of the film ...
Usah mudah terpedaya.
US embassies on high alert for more film protest attacks
AMERICAN embassies in Muslim countries around the world were today on high alert amid fears of more violent demonstrations against an anti-Islam film after Friday prayers.
There were clashes between Egyptian police and protesters in Cairo this morning with a crowd of about 500 repelled from the US embassy by officers firing tear gas.
The Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups in Egypt called for a nationwide protest and a “million man march” on Tahrir Square — the focal point of pro-democracy demonstrations that led to Hosni Mubarak being ousted from power last year. New president Mohammad Morsi today made an appeal for calm on state TV saying that it was up to Muslims as part of their Islamic duty to protect foreign diplomats who were guests in the country.
Riot police were brought in to contain angry crowds hurling stones and setting cars on fire and calling for the deaths of those behind the Innocence Of Muslims film deemed to have insulted the Prophet Mohammed. “Before the police, we were attacked by Obama,” shouted one demonstrator, blaming the US President and government for insulting the Prophet.
One banner held aloft by demonstrators read: “It is the duty of all Muslims and Christians to kill Morris Sadek and Sam Bacile and everyone who participated in the film.” Several demonstrators waved green and black flags with koran verses on them.
It came as Libyan officials announced they had arrested four men in connection with the storming of the US consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday in which US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other consular staff were killed.
Protesters yesterday stormed the US embassy in Yemen and today protests were taking place in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Kuwait with unrest spreading across South-East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Mr Obama has pledged to take all necessary measures to protect US citizens abroad and has urged foreign governments to guarantee their security.
A bulletin issued by the FBI warned “the risk of violence could increase as the film continues to gain attention”. Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abu Shaqur said: “The people, they don’t understand that such a case like this, the American government has nothing to do with it. Somebody made a film and they put it on YouTube. It was very offensive for sure but that doesn’t justify taking these wild actions against Americans.”
And like all brilliant, constantly evolving innovation, YouTube is susceptible to the darkest minds in the world, capable of spinning it for whatever purposes they see fit.'
In early July of this year, trailers for a no-budget, anti-Islam film made their way online. The first glimpses of Innocence of Muslims, directed by "Sam Bacile" and "Alan Roberts" (names now known to be pseudonyms), barely made a blip. But when clips were aired on Egyptian television on Sept. 8, 2012, fury immediately erupted. Innocence of Muslims goes right for the throat of Islamic beliefs, portraying the prophet Muhammad (a figure forbidden by Islamic traditions to be depicted visually) as a bloodthirsty killer, sexual deviant, and generally crass human being. As word of the vicious YouTube video spread, so did the anti-American sentiment. On Sept. 11, the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were attacked, resulting in the deaths of locals and U.S. citizens. The protests haven't settled — today, the U.S. consulate in Cennai, India resulting in over 25 injuries.
This isn't the first time a creative endeavor has sparked controversy in Islamic culture. In 2004, director Theo van Gogh directed a short film entitled Submission, an English translation of the word "Islam." The film depicted naked women covered in text from the Qur'an, kneeling and telling their stories of physical abuse. Four months after the film's release, Van Gogh was murdered while biking near his home in the Netherlands. In 2005, a Danish newspaper took heat after publishing editorial cartoons depicting Muhammad. Three years of constant death threats to the cartoonists eventually resulted in the incarceration of three men plotting an assassination.
Even the American mainstream has dared to push the button. Following the Danish cartoon controversy, Matt Stone and Trey Parker animated Muhammad into an episode of South Park. In the end, Comedy Central blurred out the cartoon prophet in order to avoid sparking any potential violence. Unhappy with Comedy Central's decision to censor their satire, Parker and Stone followed up their stripped down episode with one depicting George W. Bush and Jesus relieving themselves on the American flag.
We have freedom of speech in the United States, and, in turn, YouTube. Anyone can make a film with any message they please. While they may be in conflict with popular opinion, as a population, we should happy they can do so. The goal of Innocence of Muslims is overt: condemn Islam.

But even if its directors duped unknowing actors into participating in the film, even if its tactics are boorish and hate-filled, the film itself didn't commit any lawful crimes. Innocence of Muslims is still an act of free expression. In turn, those in opposition to the film have the right to critique and condemn. And in this case, they probably should.
There's no way to regulate YouTube that's not censorship. People have tried in ways that have been successfully held off; the "Stop Online Piracy Act" hoped to reduce online piracy by having the government control copyrighted materials and search engine results, and potentially have the ability to block websites. The effects would trickle down: Imagine a world without mash-ups and viral videos. They wouldn't be possible.
There was no way to prevent the creators of Innocence of Muslims from posting their video on YouTube. However violent the world becomes in the wake of the incident, no one would want it any other way.
Censorship is death — artists across the world share that value. The one thing that can be done is raise awareness of what power YouTube has. Each day, thousands of videos are posted on the site, some intricately shot productions, some rants produced on a laptop's built-in camera. But any video has the potential to go "viral." It's easy to forget 30-second glimpses into another person's life could be seen by millions of people (sorry, kid-who-was-way-too-drugged-up-at-the-dentists or kid-who-was-really-really-sad-after-Odd-Life-of-Timothy-Green). Innocence of Muslims was intended to stand out and perpetuate a message, but any video could have done it. Entertainment doesn't end at the movie theater or living room TV — people are always watching and reacting.
Innocence of Muslims riled up Islamic people around the world after it blew up on the Internet. Thanks to the Wild West environment of YouTube, a film with a positive message has the same opportunity.
"Unspeakable Idiot": Israeli Behind Controversial Anti-Muslim Film Now In Hiding
There was no way to prevent the creators of Innocence of Muslims from posting their video on YouTube. However violent the world becomes in the wake of the incident, no one would want it any other way.
Censorship is death — artists across the world share that value. The one thing that can be done is raise awareness of what power YouTube has. Each day, thousands of videos are posted on the site, some intricately shot productions, some rants produced on a laptop's built-in camera. But any video has the potential to go "viral." It's easy to forget 30-second glimpses into another person's life could be seen by millions of people (sorry, kid-who-was-way-too-drugged-up-at-the-dentists or kid-who-was-really-really-sad-after-Odd-Life-of-Timothy-Green). Innocence of Muslims was intended to stand out and perpetuate a message, but any video could have done it. Entertainment doesn't end at the movie theater or living room TV — people are always watching and reacting.
Innocence of Muslims riled up Islamic people around the world after it blew up on the Internet. Thanks to the Wild West environment of YouTube, a film with a positive message has the same opportunity.
"Unspeakable Idiot": Israeli Behind Controversial Anti-Muslim Film Now In Hiding
Bro pinjam artikel ye...
ReplyDeleteDah menjadi dasar bangsa yahudi kaudu berhati ayam,berdarah khinzir 'hard core'..buat malu aje jadi manusia spisis mcm ni..
DeleteYahudi sesat..aku menunggu saat itu..untuk memisahkan kepala dari badanmu.
Tunggu ya saatnya nanti.
OK bro PP
Deletesalam..pelik la tgk umat islam la ni..kenapa nk merusuh mcm org gila.bkn macam tu rasanya tanda kita kasih pada Nabi SAW..kita mmg sakit hati,geram, marah, terguris tp apa nk heran kalau yahudi laknatullah hina Nabi kita SAW sbb tu mmg perangai depa sajak dr dulu lg sejak Nabi kita SAW hidop lg..malah sebelum Nabi SAW hidop depa la yg dok bunuh Nabi2 AS..berapa byk ayat Quran yg cerita pasai menda ni
ReplyDeletecuba renung dalam2..apa yg umat islam buat bila kerajaan saud merobohkan rumah Nabi SAW dan buat tandas kt tapak rumah Nabi SAW..berapa juta billion umat islam yg dok kencing berak kt tapak rumah Nabi SAW?ada umat islam rasa apa2?berapa byk tempat2 yg bersejarah yg telah dirobohkan dan tidak dipelihara oleh kerajaan saud?ada umat islam rasa apa2?kerajaan saud lagi kurang ajaq dr yahudi..sbb apa..yahudi tu dah mmg tau dah tadak saudi yg mengaku islam dan beriman pada rasul ni macam mana..apa tindakan kita?tadak sora pon yg kritik dan kecam kerajaan saud ni kcuali sikit saja.
ni bila kna provok sket ngn org kapiaq melatah lebih dr org kapiaq..apa nk jadi laa..
sedarlah wahai umat islam..
AnonymousSeptember 18, 2012 10:33 PM,
ReplyDeleteAgree with you bro... Hormat nabi bukan stakat nama, tapi pada perbuatan kita. Zaman nabi, berapa ramai org yg mengutuk, memaki, cubaan bunuh nabi... ada nabi pi rumah org lain nak bakar?
setuju..yahudi Dajjal ni sengAJA buat fitnah ni..ingin meningkatkan kemarahan orang islam..jika umat islam buat gini..nak menampakkan orang islam adalah pengganas,zalim,suka buat huru-hara..geng elite ni akan menangguk di air keruh..peluang..CIA dan MOSSAD akan mengatur pelan yang lebih besar seperti mana peristiwa 11 september..kesannya disalahkan islam pengganas..yang lebih utama geng DAJJAL ni nak cari penentangnya...renung-renungkanlah..INI ADALAH FITNAH DAJJAL! bersedialah wahai umat islam..
DeleteKalau x silap ada hadis yg kata akan berlaku kekacauan besar di tanah arab semasa musim haji. Mungkinkah ini saatnya?
DeleteBoleh sesiapa tolong huraikn....
kan dlm Quran dah tercatit.....!
ReplyDeleteYahudi dan Nasra hanya mampu menyakitkan
hati umat Islam shj....!
Islam kini tengah berkembang dgn hebat..
Saya percaya ada satu Ayat dalam Quran
yg menyatakan...manusia akan masuk Islam
dgn berbondong2.(berebut2 nak masuk islam)
perhatikan lah kini.....Allahuakbar....maha suci Allah
Biarkan je lah....tak jadi kudis pun pada Islam.
Kita org Islam hanya perlu sabar dan yakin Allah itu maha
demo wei m`sia kna wat demo besar besaran bantah filem hina Nabi SAW..kahkahkah
ReplyDeletedemo laa hampa..sambil demo bwk laa ayaq coke sama..hangat woo time2 lepaih smayang jumaat berdemo..lepaih penat2 demo singgah kfc pon ada..
bila ahli dap kata buang masa buang tenaga hampa pakat marah..da memang btoi pon..kfc yg org melayu pegang tetap bukak mcm besa..nk tambah cawangan lg ada..hahahaha
mcm ni kata usaha..cetek sungguh laa pemikiran..nk kata bodo pon buleh jgak laa..yahudi dok gelak ja hampa buat demo..
`hampa buat laa demo berapa juta org pon janji duit lam poket aku jln mcm besa..hahahaha..negara hampa yg hancoq..duit rakyat gk guna utk pebaik blk yg hancoq..tak kacau duit aku pon..hahaha`
daripada kau sumbang apa?
Deletemembodohkan org je tau pastu ketawa.
kfc la coke la,benda2 bodoh je kau buat isu.
kau rasa komen kau mcm bijak tapi bodoh sebenarnya.
baiklah..aku mintak maap pada sesapa yg terasa..geram sgt waktu taip tu
Deletecuma apa yg aku nk kata sebenaqnya demo bknlah jalan yg patut dipilih utk ekspresikan kemarahan kita di saat yg genting dan haru biru ni..byk lg cara yg lebih berkesan sbnaqnya..cuma pilihan terletak pada kita..
cuba lihat kesan demo yg berlaku dseluruh dunia..byk yg mudharat dr kebaikan..islam nmpak lagi teruk dr yg sepatutnya..seolah2 membenarkan filem tu plak..bacala komen2 d link youtube yg tayang filem tu..apa pandangan depa la ni..
takkan macam ni cara kita berdakwah atau contohkan pada yg bukan islam?
ReplyDeleteNi semua mata rantai yg akan bersambung menuju Amergedon..Klu anda x percaya tunggulah masa2 berjalalan dan nantikan hasilnya...
Dulu mereka mengepung Iraq,membunuh Saddam Hussein..
Israel megepung dan menyekat bantuan ke Palestin,tanah yg penuh kesedihan...
Mereka kini membangkitkan kebangkitan Arab utk memagari Negara Israel supaya merasa terancam..
Kini mereka membangkitkan Assufiani kedua dari Damsyik dimana Iran terlibat disana...
Kini anak mata rantai makin menghampiri dua tali utk dicantumkan supaya Iran dan sekutu Nuclearnya merespon ancaman Israel dan Amerika..
Warga Islam akan dipaksa bergabung dgn Romawi utk melawan musuh dibelakang mereka..
Semaklah kronologi ini..
Tahun2 api semakin membuka gerbangnya..
Lembah Meggido semakin menanti picu...Romawi dan gabungannya akan menang dan selepas itu org mukmin akan dikhianati..
Selapas itu tanda2 kemunculan Al-Mahdi akan muncul satu persatu..
Tunggulah dan persiapkanlah diri dgn Zikir di bibir tanpa jemu...
Agree..cetusan sebegini adalah mainan konspirasi dia orang je..mind control mainan fitnah Dajjal yang pernah baginda Rasullulah SAW sebut dahulu...buang sifat politik yang mementingkan nafsu diri sendiri mulai sekarang..cantuman puzzle dan 2 rantai hampir jelas..perang nuklear akan berlaku bila-bila masa sahaja mulai sekarang untuk menyambut RAJA YAHUDI AL -MASIH DAJJAL...TEKNOLOGI ZIKIR VS TEKNOLOGI KOMPUTER..kebenaran akan berpihak jua pada islam..itulah janji ALLAH
Deletemenarik dan masuk akal.
DeleteApa beza filem ni dgn nik aziz?? Die pn menghina Nabi SAW dgn menyamakn baginda rasulullah dgn budak yg bernama mamat di kampung..knp tiada rusuhan berlaku membela Nabi SAW? Knp? Sila jawap..
ReplyDeleteMaaf sy kurang berminat dgn point terputus-putus yg saudara berikan tanpa menyertakan keseluruhan isi penyampaiannya..
ReplyDeleteMengambil kata2 mantik secara terpisah dgn isi penyampaian spt yg saudara kemukakan inilah yg merbahaya krn saudara menyebarkan Ghibah secara bawah sedar..
Jelas sgt niat politi saudara pd pernilaian sy..
Maaf ya..
Sy meluat dgn politik kepartian di Malaysia ni sbb x membina intelek lansung..
Harap saudara dpt keluar dari kepompong..
Kita sedang berdepan dgn isu yg lbh global dimana salah faham dan salah intepretasi tiada tempat dlm perbincangan ini..
Jika begitu sesiapa pun x boleh mengatakan Rasulullah s.a.w itu tidak tahu membaca tulisan kerana buta huruf itu suatu yg rendah nilainya dizaman skrg..
Inilah sifat ayat yg terpisah..
Sedangkan tidak tahu membaca itu lah bukti mukjizat kenabian baginda krn wlwpun x tahu membaca ttp Rasulullah s.a.w boleh menyampaikan Kalam2 Allah s.w.t selama lbh kurang 23 tahun ayat2 Al-quran diturunkan...
Maaf sekali lg...
Gelombang anti-Islam sedang dicetuskan secara rapi dan pelbagai cara oleh barat & eropah (amerika,peranchis,denmark sepanyol,german,britian dan banyak lagi... negara akan ikut serta.mereka sedang mencipta huru-hara,namun begitu mereka adalah para proksi zionis yahudi.apabila kekacauan berlaku di seluruh dunia,mereka akan berkata " lihat lah apa yang dilakukan orang Islam" alasan kuat bagi mereka memerangi negara Islam,semuanya sedang dimulakan sebab itu obama berani mencabar dunia!
ReplyDeleteassalamualaikum saudara islamku,
DeleteSetuju dengan sahabatku yg mengutarakan teori konspirasi..
Obama adalah ahli freemason atau agen yahudi zionis.. Freemason ditaja oleh Yahudi Kepercayaan Dajjal.. Golongan kepercayaan inilah orang2 kaya raya yg memiliki Dunia kita ketika ini. Dan ingatlah sahabat islamku sekalian, Syurga atau Neraka lah tempat tinggal yg kekal abadi, di mana kejayaan kita yg sebenar adalah apabila kita dipertemukan dgn sang Pencipta kita, Allah SWT dan atas syafaat junjungan besar Muhammad SAW.
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!
ReplyDeleteGiaonhan247 chuyên dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng đi mỹ cũng như dịch vụ ship hàng mỹ từ dịch vụ nhận mua hộ hàng mỹ từ trang ebay vn cùng với dịch vụ mua hàng amazon về VN uy tín, giá rẻ.